
We take pride in saving every tree possible. By pruning your tree, you will extend its lifespan while maintaining its beauty.


These prices are meant to be a guideline only. Pricing for your job may vary due to a number of factors. Please contact us for a free quote today.

Coniferous(evergreens, trees with needles) $150$825
Deciduous(trees with leaves) $150$1,550
Shrubs/hedges/bushes $275$1,550
Day rates(for large properties or yards with many trees/shrubs)
1/4 day(2.5 hours including travel time) $475
1/2 day(5 hours including travel time) $825
3/4 day(7.5 hours including travel time) $1,225
full day(10 hours including travel time) $1,550
full day (bucket truck)(10 hours including travel time) $2,250

All prices include chipping, hauling, and disposal.

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Contact Info

Total Tree Solutions Ltd.
6411 33ave NW Calgary
Alberta, Canada T3B1K9

Phone: 403.400.4572

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